May I ask what the brand of the watch is?
Ressence Watches - type 3
it is the ressence-type-3 cool watch, the dial is in oil and rotates in an interesting cinematic....
Thanks so much for the info, it's really appreciated. The watch is definitely a stunner. Unfortunately, at 23,000 EUR, it is a bit out of my price range. Le Container is one of my most frequented sites. Thanks for all the great pictures.
May I ask what the brand of the watch is?
RépondreSupprimerRessence Watches - type 3
RépondreSupprimerit is the ressence-type-3
pretty cool watch, the dial is in oil and rotates in an interesting cinematic....
RépondreSupprimerThanks so much for the info, it's really appreciated. The watch is definitely a stunner. Unfortunately, at 23,000 EUR, it is a bit out of my price range. Le Container is one of my most frequented sites. Thanks for all the great pictures.