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2 commentaires:

  1. Hi David!

    I'm Leonardo of 100Cavalli.blogspot.com

    You have one of the best bike I've ever seen!

    I'm going to buy a Guzzi T3 and I'm looking for a
    tank and a seat like yours.
    Where did you find it?
    Or are they handmade?



  2. Hi Leonardo and thanks for the compliments!
    I bought the tank from a guy in south west of France, M. Martinez if i remember, and it was originaly made for a ducati 750ss. Vincent from Southsiders-MC (.blogspot) sould know where to find the builder.
    The seat come from italy via Stein Dihn. It's a guzzi replica and it as been modified but still needs some improvement.
    The photos you published on your blog are from Olivier from digitalmilk.blogspot, you can add a link if you wish.
    If you need some more informations, send me a mail via my profile.
